
The Story Behind Mason Jar Creations: A Tribute to Family and Art

Space Needle at sunset

The Story Behind the beginning of MJC. In April 1999, a new chapter began for Donnie and me. We left the bustling life of Seattle, WA, for the serene hills of West Virginia. It was a time of change and reflection, driven by family needs and the desire for a slower pace of life.

Space Needle at sunset
Photo by Sergei Akulich from Burst

West Virginia welcomed me back with open arms, and soon, my crafting journey took root. Initially, my world was filled with fabrics and threads, creating kitchen accessories, pillows, and wall hangings of various designs. This period planted the seeds for a future venture in fabric retail, a dream I kept close to my heart, hoping to honor my dear Momma, Nancy.


Sadly, life had other plans. My Momma passed away in 2003, and Nancy’s Fabrics didn’t open its doors until 2005. It was a bittersweet triumph.

My Momma

The following years brought more challenges. After closing the fabric store due to my cancer diagnosis, my focus shifted to caring for Donnie, who bravely battled Alzheimer’s. It was during these quiet, introspective moments that I discovered the art of hand-stamping. What began as a pastime slowly evolved into a passion, an unexpected outlet for my creativity and emotions.

Donnie at Sherwood Lake
This was 3 good days for Donnie. The Alzhiemer’s stayed at bay.

2017 marked another turning point. After Donnie’s passing, I found solace on the family farm, living in the bus we once cherished together. Here, amidst the tranquility of nature, my hand-stamping skills flourished.

The School Bus

Then came the moment to embark on a new venture. As I sat pondering a name for this endeavor, inspiration struck in the simplest of forms: three blue mason jars, a cherished gift from my mother. They weren’t just containers; they symbolized love, legacy, and the unbreakable bonds of family.

Thus, Mason Jar Creations was born. More than just a name, it’s a tribute to the greatest woman I’ve ever known, encapsulating the essence of home, heritage, and the handcrafted beauty of each piece I create.

In every stamp, every design, I see the reflection of my journey – a blend of memories, love, and art. I invite you to explore the unique, eco-friendly jewelry at Mason Jar Creations, where each piece tells a story.

A Request

We’ve shared our story of love, legacy, and artisanal craft. Now, we’d love to hear yours. How do family, memories, and art interweave in your life? Share your stories and reflections in the comments below and let’s celebrate the beauty of personal journeys together. 💖👇

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